Sunday, 31 March 2013

Chapter 2 Exploring what it means to know and do mathematics

'Children learn mathematics when they are engaged in productive struggle.' I agree with this statement because children will learn that it is a part of the process of doing mathematics and they will embrace the struggle when they reach a solution. As a teacher, I feel that we should know our children ability to do mathematics well enough, because they should not be given a problem out of their reach and yet not be given a problem that is straight forward.

Both constructivist and sociocultural theories describe how students learn mathematics and emphasize on the learner building connections among existing and new ideas.
The more ideas used and the more connections made, the better one will understand.

I strongly agree that in the continuum of understanding, we would want children to fall into relational understanding of knowing what to do and why rather than the instrumental understanding of doing something without understanding.

Mathematics should be learned through 'doing'. As teachers, we should provide ample tools for children to learn mathematical concept and as mentioned by Piaget, he says that children learn best through hands-on experiences, when they play with concrete materials.


Chapter 1 Teaching Mathematics in the 21st Century

Mathematics is said to be the way we think, the study of patterns and relationship, the tool for solving problems as well as a set of interrelated concepts.

Math takes place in our everyday life and it is a matter of whether did we take notice or not. Integrating math into our everyday math activities include setting the table for mealtimes, whereby children are given a number of plates and as each plate is being put down, the child is claims, “One plate down, I am left with 3 plates.”

'Math should be learned in a fun way and not drill and kill.’ Learning should be learned in a fun manner so as to allow children to acquire more math skill rather than repetitive drill on rote counting and doing of worksheet because they are a low-level of cognitive activity. Hence, I feel that all teachers should try new ways to approach problems so as to engage children in activities.
I agree on the Five Process Standards, which students should acquire and use mathematical knowledge which are: Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Communication, Connections and Representation.
Mathematics is an essential life skill. Therefore, a teacher need to model and nurture the passion and joy in children when solving a mathematical problem. In addition, parents should integrate math into their child’s everyday life with fun, so that children will have a liking towards math.