Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Day 2 Whole Numbers

10 Frame

Dividing a paper into 10 boxes and using kidney beans.

8 + 2 = 10

2 more to 8 is 10

We can use 6 beans, and thus it will be... 

6 + 4 = 10 

4 more than 6 is 10. 

Children will learn alot about the numbers without explicit teaching. 

I agree that we should start from concrete and then, move to abstract and this activity will definitely engaged children. 

If we intend to teach children 8 + 6, we can use 10 frame. 
8 on one of the 10 frame and 6 on the other 10 frame. 

Then, to get the answer. 

1. Count it all. 
2. Making 10. (10) + (4) 
3. Counting on from 8... adding another 6 more. 
4. 5+5+4
5. Counting in twos, counting all. 
6. Counting backwards from 20, because with 2 (10 frames) it adds up to 20. Therefore, it has to be less than 20 (6 less)
7. Double of it. (7+7) 

As you can see, a simple addition but there are various methods to derive at the answer. 

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